Course curriculum

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    EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image

    • EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image Part 1

    • EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image Part 2

    • EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image Part 3

    • EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image Workbook

  • Imagine finally being free of that chocolate addiction that has been plaguing you for years.
  • What if you didn't have to have that second helping?
  • How would it feel to love the person you see in the mirror in the morning?

This revolutionary remedy really is at your fingertips! You will discover how to release stress and food cravings by tapping specific acupressure points on your face and body. It is that easy!

This live workshop teaches you how to apply EFT to lose weight and improve your relationship with yourself and your eating patterns.

There is also an easy-to-follow workbook included.

This workshop is suitable for anyone who is interested in these areas for themselves from complete beginner level on, or for practitioners who want to support their work with others.